What I’ve learned about trust from cleaning up my messes

This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.


I hate it when I screw stuff up, especially when it comes to relationships.

I once sent a not-so-nice email to a colleague I’ll call Randy. I did it after I got a fervent complaint from a new client about him. Randy was negotiating a speaking fee on my behalf and, from the client’s perspective, took a firm stand in a way that did not go over well. The client said something triggering for me: “Randy could stand to learn from you about doing business in a trustworthy way.” Cue the entrance of my high horse.

Barb Dammann

Barb Dammann

For our clients, I am a coach, facilitator, and strategist.

I am passionate about working with leaders who want to make processes work better, solve complex problems and make their organization—and the people in it—the best it can be.

My clients say I have a unique ability to break down complex issues into simple, manageable parts.

In nearly 35 years of business leadership, I have developed and led large-scale change efforts, sales transformation projects, and talent development programs for clients like Deloitte, IBM, Sprint, Audi and Packaging Distributors of America. My clients say I have a unique ability to break down complex issues into simple, manageable parts and to help people plunge ahead in the face of what seems ambiguous and impossible.

I have a BS in Physical Education and Masters certificates in Organization Development, Change Management and Executive Coaching.

When I’m not working, you can find me traveling with friends, playing golf and trying new recipes at home in Sarasota, FL.

My Get Real Services

I specialize in consulting, including organization assessments, voice of the client research, and change planning. I do one-on-one coaching to help make new mindsets and skill sets really stick.  I also design and facilitate The Get Real Project’s custom workshops.

My Trust Temperament™

The Connector

What Clients are Saying

“What can I say about Barb? She is nothing short of amazing! Barb took on a very challenging situation within a very large team that I took over and developed a relationship development program to elevate leadership and the working team to come to alignment and find common ground to elevate the overall team health. The program was very comprehensive from program discovery to design execution and final report out and summary and yielded exceptional results.

Connecting with Barb from a trust level took all of 2 minutes tops. She has amazing talent and is a very personable and caring individual. I am very thankful for the opportunity to partner with and get to know her. I would recommend her to anyone that could use an exceptional person and talent. Thank you Barb for everything!”

Michael Wheeler, Sr. Manager Audi Customer Experience at Audi of America

Who I’m Reading/Following

  • Simon Sinek, Leaders Eat Last
  • Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit
  • TED Talks
  • Amy Morin, 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

My Get Real Story

My client, who we’ll call “Joe,” was a strong  and charismatic leader—a Senior Vice President who had a formidable track record of success by being assertive and using his military style.

Several years ago, Joe asked me to facilitate a problem-solving meeting with 100 Chinese executives. The stakes were high because this was a critical market for the business, and building relationships during this meeting was as important as the tactical results we were going for.

Joe opened the meeting and 10 minutes into his opening remarks I knew we had a problem. His booming voice, engaging enthusiasm, U.S. military references, and exaggerated gestures were clearly overpowering the audience—clearly to me, at least. I could feel the tension rise in the room and watched participants shrink in their chairs. I knew the opposite of what Joe wanted to accomplish was happening. There was an even bigger problem, though: Joe didn’t realize it.

It was a real moment of truth for me as I pondered what to do. Should I call him on it—this very senior executive? My more evolved instincts said “Yes!” while my baser inclination for self-preservation said, “Heck, no.” And those baser inclinations are so very tempting.

This time, though, I chose the courageous path. I actually interrupted Joe in front of everyone (politely) and called for a break. I took a deep breath, pulled him aside, and shared what I was experiencing. I bottom-lined it for him: “Joe, you’re scaring them.”

Joe was quiet at first. Then he looked at me and said, “I get it, you are right.”

When we reconvened, Joe did an about-face—so much so that the audience began engaging almost immediately. They started asking questions, and even smiling—all in a matter of minutes.

While it took me a little longer before I started to breathe easily again, I learned something very important that day: that speaking truth to power is important—for me, my client relationship, and the success of any initiative.

Getting a Little More Personal

Words people often use to describe me

Strategic. Engaging. Intuitive. Funny. Caring.

What inspires me

People who are genuinely trying to be the best they can be. Bright, vivid colors. Thunderstorms at night. Classic Rock.

What brings me joy

Singing to the radio at full-blast while I’m driving. Watching the sun rise over the ocean.

What anchors me

My significant other, George. My friends, old and new, who are my own trusted advisors. Time to be introspective and reflective. My spirituality.

What drives me nuts

People who are inauthentic and don’t have a sense of the people around them. Spreadsheets. Things that are out of order (I’m a neat-nick).

My guilty pleasure

Shopping … for shoes and purses. This girl can never have enough.

A favorite quote

“Don’t let the noise of others drown out your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become”—Steve Jobs

What I can’t do without

Sunshine. Friends. Italian food.

My secret ambition

Being a Hospice coach to support the families whose loved ones are making a transition.