How to get real with your communications (a short compilation)
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
Being influential can be challenging in-and-of-itself; being influential with a skeptical audience poses its own unique difficulties. Engaging with people who seem dubious or doubtful in the face of your really good ideas can feel like being in a mental tug of war.
Andrea P. Howe, co-author of The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook and Founder of The Get Real Project, will lead an interactive, “deep dive” discussion on three critical steps required to help a skeptical audience hear what you have to say.
You’ll learn:
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
I’m not the only one who struggles to manage email. Recall the McKinsey study revealing that the average “interaction worker” spends 28% of work week managing email. (I’m not sure what an “interaction worker” is, but I’m pretty sure I am one.) This equates to nearly three hours per day, on average. Add meetings on top of that, along with the actual work we’re expected to get done, and we’ve got a reliability crisis on our hands.
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
This just in from a former workshop participant, and reprinted with permission. It’s a really great reminder that sometimes the reason we don’t hear back from clients has everything to do with them, and not you.
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
I’ve been on the receiving end of a collection of reach-outs recently: a voice mail, a series of emails, and a bunch of LinkedIn invitations. Each and every one has bugged me a little; the collection has put me over the top. So it’s time for a plea to all these well-meaning people—the ones you are more like than you might realize.