‘Tis the season: How to build more trust with us introverts

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

The winter holiday season has descended here in the U.S. and beyond, which has many of the introverts among us (me included) uttering groans of dread as we face a dramatic uptick in social obligations. It occurred to me it might be useful to share a few tips for introverts and extroverts alike to help us all manage our circumstances for the best possible trust-building outcomes.

Reprise: How your relationship to authority may be hurting your client relationships

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

I was recently interviewed for a podcast and asked at the end, “What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?” My answer reminded me of a cautionary tale from the early days of my consulting career. I think there’s a good bit of generalized wisdom in my story about everyone’s relationship to authority, and how that can cost us in terms of trust and relationship-building.

Reprise: How to be more charismatic/compelling/interesting/fascinating

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

I assigned the listening chapter from The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook to a group I’m working with the other day (Chapter 6), and a participant took note of one of my favorite stories in it. Which reminded me of a tip I wrote 2+ years ago on an unexpected way to be found at least a little more charismatic/ compelling/interesting/fascinating. I’m dusting it off today because introverts and extroverts alike can benefit from creating an immediate and meaningful connection in a way that’s authentic, palatable and easy.

Reprise: When NOT to speak up/tell the truth

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

Most of us probably agree both in theory and in practice with the principle of transparency—being honest, open, candid. It is easy to assert that “Honesty is the best policy,” but dig a little deeper and it is not so clear. I last wrote a Weekly-ish Tip about how to discern whether to raise a touchy topic a little over five years ago. A recent conversation with a workshop group has me thinking it’s time to reprise it.

When NOT to ask a question

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

Many of you know my Mom passed away a couple of months ago (I wrote about three trust lessons as a tribute), and some of you know she was actively dying over a two-week period. I learned an important lesson about asking questions during those two weeks. The lesson is applicable to a lot of different circumstances and relationships, including the comparatively more mundane everyday business interactions—particularly between consultant/advisor and client.