Why you should forget your ABCs

This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.


The phrase Always Be Closing has positive connotations in some circles. It was taught for many years in the well-regarded Xerox sales system as a reminder to constantly explore customer needs. More often than not, though, “closing” draws down on trust—whether you’re selling a product, service, or idea. Here are three reasons not to do it.

Calling all shared services professionals: Are you minding your mindset?

This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.


A few tips ago I wrote about why it’s critical, as a services professional, to see your own value as more than just a trusted problem-solver. I shared the four levels of relationship as a framework to help. Recently, I’ve been revisiting a variation of that model that a colleague and I created specifically for anyone in a shared services (or internal consulting) role. It provides a way to re-think your value, and find proactive ways to consistently be seen as more than just an order taker.