Two more trust-harming words to slay, while we’re at it
This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.
This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.
This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.
This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.
I was recently reminded of a call I got from a volunteer at one of the charitable organizations to which I regularly donate. It was decidedly different than the usual solicitation call. It started off so much better. And then it got so much worse.
This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.
Conventional business wisdom says, “Avoid mistakes at all costs.” I think that’s a bunch of hooey.
This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.
A very close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. This means I’ve gotten a closer look than ever before at what it’s like to be a cancer patient—someone on the receiving end of a lot of well-meaning (and misguided) gestures, among myriad other challenges. And while it may seem like an odd or inappropriate link to make, cancer offers valuable communication lessons for anyone who’s in the relationship business.