I have been needing these three reminders. Maybe you have, too?

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

Note to readers: I appreciate your ongoing patience and understanding with the disruption to my weekly Tuesday cadence in the last few months. Signs are promising for a return to more regular publications very soon!

What a rollercoaster. And by that, I’m referring to last week. And last month. And 2020 as a whole. I’ve recently found myself needing a little extra help with managing the ups and downs, so I dug back into my missives from the last seven months and unearthed three reminders that quickly stood out. They’re all in the realm of “personal mastery,” which I’ve long said is the foundation of relationship mastery. I’m sharing them here in case they’re helpful to you, too.

Virtual Relationships: How to Apply the (New) 80/20 Rule


November 17, 2020
@11:00 AM EST

Virtual, virtual, virtual. It’s all the rage now. Sales and relationship training providers are quick to tell you that you must, must, must adapt quickly to your new virtual reality or watch your revenues plummet. Professional services providers are quick to take the bait. The problem is, that’s only 20% true. True trusted advisorship demands that we find ways to make choices from our higher selves, not from our baser instincts, and not from our bag of virtual tricks.

Andrea P. Howe, co-author of The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook and Founder of The Get Real Project, joins forces with Noelle Mykolenko, CEO of Trusted Advisor Associates, to lead an interactive “deep dive” discussion on the most effective ways to form everlasting client bonds and deep unshakable loyalty in our current reality. Specifically, you will learn:

    1. What’s actually different now, what really isn’t, and a new take on the old “80/20” rule that will help you do right by your relationships;
    2. How to use the trust equation as a guide to making the biggest possible difference for your clients in this most unusual time;
    3. Which five tried and true best practices to double down on;
    4. Which five virtually-inspired best practices to ramp up.

Register now

The surprising barrier to learning and changing for the better

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.


Note to readers: Given my commitment to be thoughtful and relevant with my current series of posts, combined with the general havoc that the pandemic has wreaked on life and work life, my weekly Tuesday cadence has been disrupted. I appreciate your patience and understanding.

I have written the last four tips specifically for corporate White people like me, reflecting both my personal passion and my professional mission to promote masterful work relationships that make space for all people’s spirits to come alive. I’ve been sharing what I am learning and believe are fundamental lessons on important topics like White privilege and implicit bias, along with my more traditional self-revelatory exposes, like the five trust lessons I learned from my own churn about this series, and now this one about a compelling force that recently almost stopped me from practicing what I preach.

Five Simple Steps to Create Trust in Conversation


Tuesday, Sept 22nd, 2020
@11:00 AM EST

Trust doesn’t just happen – it gets created: at the individual level, between people, usually through conversations. The Trust Creation Process is a five-step model that describes how it works.

Noelle Mykolenko, COO of Trusted Advisor Associates, will lead an interactive discussion on how you can create trust in conversation. In this webinar, you will:

• Learn the five steps in the Trust Creation Process
• Identify 10 pitfalls that can derail the process, and what to do about them
• Discover three critical mindset shifts to help keep you on track

Register now