Reprise: What to do when your clients or colleagues are untrustworthy

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

We spend an outsized amount of time in our programs focusing on how to increase your own trustworthiness proactively and specifically, since it’s the only thing you can actually control. A recent situation reminded me of content that my co-author Charlie Green and I recorded some years ago for our video learning library that answers the question, “What do you do when others show up in untrustworthy ways?”

Reprise: A different way to think about your “competitors”

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

I originally shared this Weekly Tip three years ago, and at the time I didn’t know the identity of the person who offered the unconventional offer it describes. I had forgotten about the post until just the other day when I had a chance to meet this awesome person, in person. I’m reprising it because it’s such a great lesson in a much more trustworthy way to think about “competition” that’s worthy of emulation.

Reprise: When NOT to speak up/tell the truth

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

Most of us probably agree both in theory and in practice with the principle of transparency—being honest, open, candid. It is easy to assert that “Honesty is the best policy,” but dig a little deeper and it is not so clear. I last wrote a Weekly-ish Tip about how to discern whether to raise a touchy topic a little over five years ago. A recent conversation with a workshop group has me thinking it’s time to reprise it.

Indelible trust-building lessons from my mom (RIP)

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

Photo by Jessica Earle, 2005.

In my last tip about influencing a skeptical audience I promised more on that topic. Life events intervened in the meantime, so this week’s tip is dedicated to my dear mom who passed away on June 18 at the extraordinary age of 94. Here’s a recap of three prior tips that feature the things I’ve learned either from her, or through her, about relationship building.