Improv Tip of the Month: What Animals Can Teach Us About Innovation

This article is from Cary Paul, our Chief Improv Officer:

There are some great lessons we business types can learn from the world of biology, one of which leads us back to the basic truth about survival: adapt or die. Read on to discover an improv favorite that offers invaluable practice with moving out of personal or organizational ruts and into positive and constructive thinking.

Make a lasting impression one auto-reply at a time

I lead workshops in different parts of the world that can consume me for days at a time. Heaps of work emails pile up in the meantime. And because I’m slightly obsessive about being responsive, I believe in using auto-replies. A few months ago I started experimenting with unique and sometimes quirky ones (for me). Little did I know they would cause quite a stir.

Humility is overrated: 7 tips for being your own best PR person

I can easily preach to my clients that it’s a disservice not to sell—that it’s part of our professional obligation to be of service. Apparently though, I have a problem practicing what I preach when it comes to selling myself—being assertive about calling attention to who I am and what I contribute. Just the other day I was admonished by a colleague (in a very nice way) for being reluctant to send a promotional email to a list of favorite clients. His exact words were, “Don’t waste another moment on worrying about it being too commercial; it is not too commercial, it is very well stated, and it is a service to all of your readers. So, stop that now!”

Improv Tip of the Month: Leap and the Net Will Appear

This month’s improv tip is from Barry Edwards, Improv Contributor

There is a saying by American essayist John Burroughs: ”Leap and the net will appear”. I first heard this quote from a good friend when I was considering leaving a good job to change careers. Ever since then, I’ve been living my life with that in mind. Whether it’s changing careers or moving to a new city, whenever I’ve leapt that proverbial net has always appeared.

Jack Welch and the feminine edge

A few months ago I was leading a day-long program on trust-based selling to 26 men and women at a global market intelligence firm. We were knee-deep in a conversation about empathetic listening as a primary driver of influence. Listening with empathy is how you earn the right to be right, not to mention how you learn what is deeply valued by the person you want to influence—while building a whole lot of trust in the process.