When you fail to deliver on a promise

This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.

There’s no tip this week. It’s Wednesday a.m. right now (tips go out on Tuesday). I just had an honest conversation with myself about the reality of getting a tip out and, well, you see the outcome. Before I sign off, though, I’m going to take a moment to reflect on what happens when you fail to deliver on promises, and how to salvage trust in the process. (So I guess that makes this a partial tip.)

Kickoff pitfalls: which one(s) do you fall prey to?

This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.


So you’ve won the job. The celebrations are over; the contracts are being drawn up. Now it’s time to actually begin the work. After the high tension and adrenaline of the process leading up to now, it’s tempting to take a deep breath and take it easy. And while it’s true that you are probably more effective if you relax, it’s not true that you can just kick back.