Three guidelines for changing your sales language now and forever

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

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While writing last week’s tip about my delightful interaction with Dave I had to sort out how best to refer to Dave. The language I chose was thanks to a tip I published in 2016. I’m reprising a variation of that tip here because I believe it contains lessons that bear repeating.

The case for calling a possible client you’ve never met on a Sunday

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

I did something unconventional a couple of weeks ago: I called Dave, who I’ll characterize as “possible client” for simplicity, in the middle of the day on a Sunday. We’ve never met and haven’t exchanged more than a couple of emails in the last couple of years. Dave was so struck by my reach-out that he dared me to write about it*. So here I am.

A dramatically different resolution to improve your relationships in the new year

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

We’re two weeks into a new year, which means that any resolutions resolutely declared are within days of faltering—at least according to psychologists who say we typically do well for the first two weeks and then backslide by February. I’ve suggested before that buddying up can be a helpful antidote. This year I’m suggesting we all try something a little different—either in addition to, or maybe just plain instead of, finding a partner to support us with our efforts. Brace yourself for a dramatic and woo-woo sounding strategy.


Reprise: 10 easy ways to make time for BD

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

It’s been nearly six years since I wrote about easy ways to make time for business development (BD). I reprised my Top 10 list with a workshop group the other day and it occurred to me I should do the same here. While I’m at it, I’m merging what was two lists of five into one for easy access, and adding some prioritization that creates a dramatic lead-in to my favorite (#1).

Here are my top 10 tips for making time for BD:

Reprise: How to be more charismatic/compelling/interesting/fascinating

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

I assigned the listening chapter from The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook to a group I’m working with the other day (Chapter 6), and a participant took note of one of my favorite stories in it. Which reminded me of a tip I wrote 2+ years ago on an unexpected way to be found at least a little more charismatic/ compelling/interesting/fascinating. I’m dusting it off today because introverts and extroverts alike can benefit from creating an immediate and meaningful connection in a way that’s authentic, palatable and easy.