A Different Kind of Annual Report: Getting Real in 2019

What a year it’s been. To sum it up, our clients and colleagues really kicked a** in 2019. We heard countless stories of your professional and personal victories. To celebrate, we’ve created another year-in-review infographic—a different kind of annual report for a different kind of organization.

The 2019 Get Real Report features a sampling of our clients’ victories, like practicing a different kind of “business development.” It also highlights a few of the contributions our team is really proud of, plus some pretty cool personal victories for team members. (There’s a definite travel theme this year.)

Click the thumbnail to find out who did what … and get a sneak peek at what’s on the horizon for 2020.

Happy New Year!

By special request: How your most difficult relative can help you hone a difficult business skill

This post is part of our Monthly Tips series.


It’s that time of year again. The holidays are in full swing and year-end celebrations are approaching at lightning speed, which means a high probability you’re dreading being with a certain family member. Or two. This week’s tip is being reprised by special request, and with some new resources.

Last week’s humbling opportunity to rebuild lost trust

This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.


Funny how within a few days of writing my Weekly Tip on rebuilding lost trust I wake up to a very angry email from a client, directed right at me, so I get to practice what I preach. Yay. I learned a few things from applying my own six-part process. And it just so happens a lot of this went down via email, so in sharing I also get to fulfill last week’s promise on how to rebuild lost trust in writing.