Five Best Practices for Managing the Biggest Client Relationship De-railer: Fear


Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
@11:00 AM to 11:45 AM EST

The biggest de-railer of client relationships, in the worst of times as well as the best of times, is fear—fear of not doing the right thing, fear of losing, fear of rejection, fear of uncertainty, and more. Our own fear is like “trust repellant” because it causes us to react from our baser instincts rather than respond from our higher selves. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it can be managed with exceptional results, even—in fact, especially—during a pandemic.

Andrea P. Howe, co-author of The Trusted Advisor Fieldbook and Founder of The Get Real Project, will lead an interactive, “deep dive” discussion on how to recognize fear and what do about it. Specifically, you will learn:

  • How to know when your own fear is running the show (it’s sometimes obvious and oftentimes covert);
  • Why fear directly impacts your ability to lead with all the variables of the trust equation;
  • How to recognize the four “sharks” of fear that most commonly arise for people in client-facing roles (and sometimes all in the same conversation);
  • Five time-tested strategies for managing your fear;
  • A simple skill to help others manage their fear.

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