Calling all shared services professionals: Are you minding your mindset?

This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.

A few tips ago I wrote about why it’s critical, as a services professional, to see your own value as more than just a trusted problem-solver. I shared the four levels of relationship as a framework to help. Recently, I’ve been revisiting a variation of that model that a colleague and I created specifically for anyone in a shared services (or internal consulting) role. It provides a way to re-think your value, and find proactive ways to consistently be seen as more than just an order taker.

Wish you were a little more charismatic, compelling, or magnetic (secretly or otherwise)? Try this unexpected approach.

This post is part of our Weekly Tips series.

Wish you were a little more charismatic

We can all benefit from learning how to be found a smidge more charming by clients, even the humblest of introverts among us. Not in a disingenuous way, of course, but in a way that creates an immediate and meaningful connection. This Weekly Tip gives you an unexpected insight into how to do that—one that’s also surprisingly palatable and easy.