by Andrea Howe | Mar 3, 2025 | Monthly-ish tips
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
I’ve been reminded about the power and importance of small gestures—not just grand ones—in the face of big challenges. This extends to trust-building. There are small acts of inclusivity and kindness that we can make a part of our everyday—things like being sure to call people by their name as they wish to be called.
by Andrea Howe | Feb 11, 2025 | Monthly-ish tips
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
At the top of a Mastery workshop a couple of years ago, it became clear that I needed to drop my training curriculum and help the group of leaders manage some unexpected you-know-what that had hit the fan in their organization since the last time we convened. They were understandably dealing with their own reactions while also sorting out how best to show up as trustworthy leaders to their teams and their clients. We paused to make a starter list of how to build and keep trust in tough times. The original tip featured an amended version of that list, including some additions that struck me after we adjourned. I’m reprising the list now because, well, there seems to be a lot of sh** hitting a lot of fans at the moment.
by Andrea Howe | Sep 30, 2024 | Monthly-ish tips
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

Something came up in a client conversation right after a Mastery workshop last week that was so meaty I promised to write a Monthly-ish Tip about it. It was a question about how to deal with the “ugh” that often arises when we’ve taken some kind of risk with a client and then don’t get the result we hoped for, which leaves us to stew in our own juices of rejection, failure, and/or loss. I’ve been thinking about it since then, and have drafted a few steps to help.
by Andrea Howe | Sep 3, 2024 | Monthly-ish tips
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.
Selling* that’s productive, rewarding, and relationship-centric is much simpler than most of us make it out to be. It requires the right attitude (serve others, not your own goals) with the right objective (build long-term relationships and the sales will come) along with a steady focus (take small steps, consistently over time).
*Substitute “business development” if you prefer the euphemism.
by Andrea Howe | Aug 14, 2024 | Monthly-ish tips
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

The Roman poet, Ovid, was on to something important for us modern businesspeople when he said, “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”
That’s exactly what I’m choosing to do this week. Actually, I’m doing it all month, as I have every year for most of the past decade, because it’s time for my annual summer sabbatical.
by Andrea Howe | Jul 12, 2024 | Monthly-ish tips
This post is part of our Monthly-ish Tips series.

A client checked off a Bucket List item this year by attending the U.S. Masters Tournament. For the uninitiated like me, this is one of four men’s major golf championships in professional golf. The mention of golf in a conversation we had after their return got me thinking about a blog I wrote a long, long time ago (15 years, it turns out) that 100% stands the test of time. It’s a great reminder for us all that often the best way to build trust—and quickly—is to do the opposite of what our baser instincts advise.