Make a lasting impression one auto-reply at a time

I lead workshops in different parts of the world that can consume me for days at a time. Heaps of work emails pile up in the meantime. And because I’m slightly obsessive about being responsive, I believe in using auto-replies. A few months ago I started experimenting with unique and sometimes quirky ones (for me). Little did I know they would cause quite a stir.

Humility is overrated: 7 tips for being your own best PR person

I can easily preach to my clients that it’s a disservice not to sell—that it’s part of our professional obligation to be of service. Apparently though, I have a problem practicing what I preach when it comes to selling myself—being assertive about calling attention to who I am and what I contribute. Just the other day I was admonished by a colleague (in a very nice way) for being reluctant to send a promotional email to a list of favorite clients. His exact words were, “Don’t waste another moment on worrying about it being too commercial; it is not too commercial, it is very well stated, and it is a service to all of your readers. So, stop that now!”