Improv Tip: Our Invisible NameTags

This month’s improv tip is written by Shawn Westfall, the Get Real Project’s improv guru.

There’s a popular short-form improv game called “Here Comes Mr. So-And-So,” and here’s how it’s played: you ask the audience to suggest a bunch of personality quirks or annoying character traits or habits, and then assign them to the improvisational actors. The quirkier, more annoying, more challenging, or more outrageous the better. Some of my favorites from past shows I’ve either been in or hosted include:

Wanna Boost Teamwork? Improvise Your Own Symphony

This month’s Improv Tip is from Cary Paul, Chief Improv Officer.

Teamwork:  a critical component of business and often a cause of robust challenges. When things are off, a cacophony ensues. When the right balance is achieved, beautiful music is made. Read on to learn an easy and fun improv game with the potential to promote harmony on any work team.

Improv, Inspiration, and a Dream

We first shared a longer version of this post in 2012 and thought it was worth another run. Today’s post is by Cary Paul, Chief Improv Officer.

Our best moments may come in an instant of inspiration and improvisation.  As we celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., you may be surprised to learn his best-known speech was born in just such an instant.