by Andrea Howe | Mar 20, 2012 | Client relationships
When did financial advisors become telemarketers? Here’s a transcript of a voicemail I received a few weeks ago from a financial advisor named RW—someone I don’t know who represents a major company. It wasn’t technically a cold call, I suppose, because I had a relationship with the company about a decade ago through my former financial advisor. But it certainly wasn’t a warm call. And while RW said nothing whatsoever offensive on her voicemail, it was a perfect example of how the choice to be robotic instead of real kills trust and loses business.
by Andrea Howe | Feb 29, 2012 | Trusted advisorship
Our Story Time series brings you real, personal examples from business life that shed light on ways to lead with trust. Our last story illustrated
how one conversation changed everything. Today’s selection highlights the value of making a personal connection.
by Andrea Howe | Feb 21, 2012 | Client relationships
I messed up a few weeks ago. I sent a not-so-nice email to a colleague I’ll call Randy. I did it after I got a fervent complaint from a new client about him. Randy was negotiating something on my behalf and, from the client’s perspective, took a firm stand in a way that did not go over well. The client said the one thing that escalates my blood pressure in a matter of seconds: “Randy could stand to learn a lesson or two from you about doing business in a trustworthy way.” For me, this cued the entrance of the high horse and I immediately climbed aboard.
by Andrea Howe | Jan 24, 2012 | Trusted advisorship
I give presentations for a living. I teach people how to build trust with others, to make lasting connections, to sell business, to create professional intimacy. My job requires me to interact with strangers a lot. And to be effective I have to model all the interpersonal skills I espouse, all the time. So you’ll appreciate the irony when I say I really hate meeting new people.
by Andrea Howe | Dec 21, 2011 | Improvisation
Everyone wants a standing ovation. Try this with your team–it’s a great way to (re)define who you are as we move into the new year.