Version 1: The letter I received
(The text in italics is what I was thinking as I read it.)
Each proposal was given careful and deliberate consideration. (In other words, mine wasn’t selected.) We strive to offer a balanced program of educational sessions at the conference and select the proposals that best fit the overall programming framework of the conference. (So mine didn’t stand out, or give you what you wanted.) Please understand that we receive many proposals with several on the same topic. (I know what’s coming. Please just say it.) Exceptional proposals are turned away each year for the simple reason that we have limited speaking slots. (Please, please just say it.) Your proposal was not selected this year. (FINALLY.) However, your interest in offering your skills, background and knowledge is greatly appreciated. (Yeah, you say that to everyone.)
Once again, thank you for your submission. (Sigh.)
They meant well; I know they did. This is a really well-run conference with hundreds of speakers and probably thousands of proposals. The problem as I see it: they fell prey to the two big traps that so many of us do (myself included) when we have to deliver bad news:
(1) Take way too long to say what needs to be said, and
(2) Say it overly politely, and formally, when a little humanity would do a world of good.
Version 2: The letter I wish I had received
(The text in italics is what I would be thinking as I read it.)
Dear Andrea:
I wish I had better news. (Uh oh. Not good.) I’m sorry to say your proposal for ABC Topic was not selected this year for the XYZ Annual Conference being held June ##-##, 2014 in City, State. (Well, bummer.)
I know proposal submissions take time and I realize you may be disappointed. (They do … and I am!) At the risk of sounding formulaic, I can tell you with the utmost confidence that each proposal was given careful and deliberate consideration. (I hope so!) We work hard to design a balanced program of educational sessions at the conference and choose the proposals that best fit the overall programming framework of the conference. (That makes sense.) We receive between #### and #### proposals each year, often with several on the same topic. (I bet choosing is a really tough job.) As a result, exceptional proposals are turned away each year for one simple reason: limited speaking slots. (I get it.)
Although your proposal was not selected this year, rest assured your interest in offering your skills, background and knowledge is greatly appreciated and I appreciate your interest in making our conference a success. (Thank you!) I hope you’ll consider us again next year. (I think I will!)
Once again, thank you. (You’re welcome.)
There’s a lot of the same text in Version 2.
And a world of difference.
Andrea Howe
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Andrea, I DREAD writing the rejection letters. Thank you for providing a realistic approach to a dreaded yearly responsibility. Appreciatively, Connie,
You are most welcome, Connie!
Thanks for nailing it down.. Used it as well…
Joe, for reasons I cannot explain but am certainly embarrassed by, this is the first time I am seeing your comment from two years ago (!) I’m glad you were able to use the template, as it were.
I love your sample letter. May I borrow your template for my conference rejection letters? I particularly like the opening sentence.
Marian, big apologies for the delayed reply – technical difficulties. If it’s not too late, of course you can use the sample letter. I’d be honored.