Making friends with the enemy
If you haven’t seen the “Cat and the Crow” video that’s been circulating the Internet for a while, it’s worth a peek. Check out what’s possible when two enemies don’t know they’re supposed to be enemies.
If you haven’t seen the “Cat and the Crow” video that’s been circulating the Internet for a while, it’s worth a peek. Check out what’s possible when two enemies don’t know they’re supposed to be enemies.
Ever wonder why you get along so well with one client but just can’t seem to make headway with another? It could be that you have different Social Styles. This week’s blog offers tips for how to relate – and get results – with clients who have different Social Styles from your own.
In our last post, we acknowledged that, while it’s important not to stereotype or “box” others in, models that define typical style preferences can be helpful. We think the Social Style Model ( is easy to understand and immediately apply.
Ever wonder why you get along so well with one client but just can’t seem to make headway with another? It could be that you have different Social Styles. This week’s blog offers a simple and useful framework for understanding and remedying disconnects between you and your clients (or between you and anyone, for that matter).